Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Crazy Week

This week has been...let's just say, interesting.
On Monday, of course, I awoke after about 2 1/2 hours of sleep in a boiling house.
Then I went home.
I ate some food, went to the gym, and watched some Drop Dead Diva.
And that afternoon/evening, I hung out with Beth for the first time in forever.
We watched The Muppet Movie, played on my phone, and ate some delicious slush.
Oh, also, we made this:
Tuesday I woke up at seven fifteen to go put up flags. Oh joy.
Although, I had some delicious raspberry muffins. Om nom nom. And...I guess, I only put a couple up.
But still...
After that, I ate some french toast and then went golfing.
It was HOT. So of course, afterwards we went to Coldstone's. It was delicious.
I was pretty tired at that point, so I watched some more Drop Dead Diva.
At 6:30 I went to a barbecue at my brother and sister-in-law's house.
I ate hot dogs, drank homemade rootbeer, and ate delicious cookies.
I watched Drop Dead Diva (see the pattern forming?).
Wednesday morning was spent at the Fox Hollow golf course.
I awoke at 6:15 a.m. (so early) and was there by exactly 7.
My little sister was there too, which was kind of cool. And she had some great shots.
In the afternoon, I went to Barnes and Noble, for the first time in a month.
It was a really fun night, and when I got home I watched Drop Dead Diva.
Today I slept in until eleven. I watched Dark Knight Rises with Merkley and Josh at noon.
It's a disturbing movie, but still fun. I had a good time.
The evening was wrapped up with a short trip to our stake youth barbecue, for cheetos and watermelon.
Tomorrow I'll go to our family reunion where I'll remain until Sunday.
Wish me luck. ;)

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