Saturday, July 7, 2012


So I guess it's been a while since I last posted.
Like, 2 1/2 weeks.

Not a ton of stuff has happened in that time, I think.
I went to girls' camp.
That was kind of fun, aside from the smelliness, the heat, and the general discomfort.
Oh, also the dirtiness.
Also, I've read quite a bit.
Mmmmm...books. :D
I haven't really driven a lot though.
That's been nice.
I've played a lot of Mario.
I like Mario. :) Especially when I can save-and-load and make it nearly impossible to fail.
Huzzah for being bad at computer games! :D

You know what I realized, though?
My school schedule next year is kind of perfect for golf season.
I have Yearbook A4 (a.k.a. Carter's class, so that wouldn't matter to miss),
Seminary B4 (Which is sad to miss, but not bad home/classwork-wise),
Radio B3 (Which will never be much of a problem to miss),
And...English A3, which will/would be kind of bad to miss, but not the worst.
At least I have people I know in that class, so if I missed stuff for it, I could know what that stuff was.
Anyway, that kind of made me happy. :D

Oh yeah, little sister is taking care of my cousin's hedgehog.
It's really loud, especially at night.
Also, not really that exciting of a pet, but whatever.

Well, I'm gonna go eat a BLT.
Mmmmm...midnight snack. Om nom nom. (Or, you know, 2 in the morning snack)

Farewell, dear friends.
Hopefully it won't be 2 1/2 more weeks until I blog again.

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