Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scenes From A Hat

"I'm Cilantro."

Oh dear, that's the best! :D


So...this guy came into my radio class today.
And we ended up watching this video that he and his friends made
It was pretty impressive.
And...I liked it.
It won the 24 hour LDS Film some point.
Yay! :)
These are the outtakes.
"I think it's my duty to say as your captain to wear this shirt. It excentuates my abs." -Captain
"One represents death, the other three are life...the one is death though." -Captain

Once Upon a Time...I'm a Nerd. ;)

Ah, math jokes.
What is "pi"?
Mathematician: Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Engineer: Pi is about 22/7.
Physicist: Pi is 3.14159 plus or minus 0.000005
Computer Programmer: Pi is 3.141592653589 in double precision.
Nutritionist: You one track math-minded fellows, Pie is a healthy and delicious dessert!

Oh dear, love this one. So nerdy! :D

A mathematician went insane and believed that he was the differentiation operator. His friends had him placed in a mental hospital until he got better. All day he would go around frightening the other patients by staring at them and saying "I differentiate you!"

One day he met a new patient; and true to form he stared at him andsaid "I differentiate you!", but for once, his victim's expression didn't change. Surprised, the mathematician marshalled his energies, stared fiercely at the new patient and said loudly "I differentiate you!", but still the other man had no reaction. Finally, in frustration, the mathematician screamed out "I DIFFERENTIATE YOU!"
The new patient calmly looked up and said, "You can differentiate me all you like: I'm e to the x."

This is kind of amazing:

Two mathematicians are in a bar. The first one says to the second that the average person knows very little about basic mathematics. The second one disagrees, and claims that most people can cope with a reasonable amount of math.

The first mathematician goes off to the washroom, and in his absence the second calls over the waitress. He tells her that in a few minutes, after his friend has returned, he will call her over and ask her a question. All she has to do is answer "one third x cubed."

She repeats "one thir -- dex cue"?
He repeats "one third x cubed".
She asks, "one thir dex cuebd?"
"Yes, that's right," he says.
So she agrees, and goes off mumbling to herself, "one thir dex cuebd...".

The first guy returns and the second proposes a bet to prove his point, that most people do know something about basic math. He says he will ask the blonde waitress an integral, and the first laughingly agrees. The second man calls over the waitress and asks "what is the integral of x squared?".
The waitress says "one third x cubed" and while walking away, turns back and says over her shoulder "plus a constant!"

Approximately ten excuses for not doing homework:
•I accidentally divided by zero and my paper burst into flames.
•I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook. I couldn't actually reach it.
•I have the proof, but there isn't room to write it in this margin.
•I was watching the World Series and got tied up trying to prove that it converged.
•I have a solar powered calculator and it was cloudy.
•I locked the paper in my trunk but a four-dimensional dog got in and ate it.
•I couldn't figure out whether I am the square of negative one or I am the square root of negative one.
•I took time out to snack on a doughnut and a cup of coffee, and then I spent the rest of the night trying to figure which one to dunk.
•I could have sworn I put the homework inside a Klein bottle, but this morning I couldn't find it.

Math Pickup Lines:
You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.
My love for you is a monotonic increasing function of time.

Oh dear, I'm a nerd. :D

What I Do Instead of My German...

On Facebook, it's this page.

But...I'm also at this nerdy site, here.

I would so buy something like this:


The End of November (Show 11)

It's November 30th.
I'm doing my show, yippee. :)

Here's the music:

  • The Funeral, by: Band of Horses
  • Someday You Will Be Loved, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Call It What You Want, by: Foster the People (Request)
  • The Brightside, by: We Shot the Moon
  • Hum Hallelujah, by: Fall Out Boy
  • I Fell Asleep on My Arm, by: The Aquabats
  • Piano Man, by: Billy Joel
  • Friend is a Four Letter Word, by: Cake
  • The Dog Days Are Over, by: Florence and the Machine
  • On the Radio, by: Regina Spektor
  • Sway Your Head, by: We Shot the Moon
  • Which to Bury, Us Or the Hatchet? by: Relient K
  • Lost! by: Coldplay (Request by Kirsten)
  • Honey, by: Moby (Request)
  • La La Lie, by: Jack's Mannequin

Monday, November 28, 2011

It Was Amazing

Just to let you know. :)
And Jim Parsons was in it was epic sauce! :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Can't Wait!!

I'm so excited to see this movie on Friday!!
Jason Segal is amazing, and flippin' Neil Patrick Harris!!!
YES!!!! :D

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

That was amazing. :)
I love this play, and I love Timp!

It's kind of creepy, especially at the beginning, but it is awesome!
The narrator-type guy was played by none other than Marshall Madsen.
It was hilarious. :) He had the best accent.

It's kind of awesome, because you get to interact.
You get to choose the end of the play as an audience.
But I went on closing night, so I got to see all the confession songs.
Also, the pit got to dress up too. :)
Some quotes:

Marshall (Cartwright): You're next to an idiot.
Austin (Durdles): Nice to meet you.

Austing: She was one in a million.
Marshall: No, she was won in a raffle.

Shannon (Rosa): When will it be performed?
Matt (Bazzard): Never.

Keri (Helena): How many men did it take to detain you?
Lucas (Neville): Five...and a half.

"I'm sorry Miss Nutting, you've stuffed it!" -Marshall

"She came from iron and steel backgrounds. Mother irons, father steals!" -Marshall

"Soon we'll have you singing 'Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam!'" -Marshall

"Why have crumbs when you can have the whole cake? It could have happened like this!" -Marshall

"There is no villainry! That was over five murderers ago!" -Marshall

Lucas & Shannon (Neville & Rosa): We must...sing, a love song!

Anyway, it was an incredible play and Timp-ites in drama don't get the credit they deserve.
PG might do popular intense plays, but Timp does plays that aren0't as well known.
And rock them. :D

Some pictures:
 Jared had an epic sauce mustache.
 Jon had an epic sauce sign he got to hold up in the pit. :)
 She was probably my favorite character.
Great accent, great singing, great acress.
And Marshall's costume was epic.
Except...he kind of looked like a circus ringmaster.
But that's okay. :P

Pet Humor

^ That makes me really happy. :D ^

Message in a Bottle

Sweet fetch this place is amazing. :)

Huzzah. :)

Good Times, Good Times

9th Grade Biology.
You get some paper shapes.
You and your partner do whatever you want with them.
Sure, you could organize them by color, shape, or size.
But doesn't this sound like more fun?

That's what Jon and I did. :)
Epic stuff.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


These creature is mean.
She scratched me. :c

And threw up in my room.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Status Shuffle

Haha, these were good. :)

  • If 2 red balloons make a yellow brick and that brick leaves home before it matures how many pancakes does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a pickle?
  • Teacher: I'm sorry. Is my teaching interrupting your conversation? Student: Why, yes. Yes it is. Thanks for asking :)
  • If you have split personalities and one of them decides to kill the other is that suicide or murder?
  • Yes I'm loud, yes I'm crazy, and you hate me because I can do it all in public and people still love me!!!
  • Anyone who says "nothing is impossible" has obviously never tried to staple jello to a tree.
  • Today I was eating at Subway when a woman asked an employee how long the six-inch was.
So...yeah. Those were fun. :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Math Nerd-I-ness

My Life Is Average

It's a great website. :)

Here are some good ones from today:

  • This morning, I was reading and found this post: "Dear Katy Perry, Last night I dreamt I was riding on a unicorn through Narnia in search of the ultimate cheese puffs. Then my friend's brother showed up and we did the YMCA. After that I woke up. Sincerely, real teenage dream." I believe this person is one of us.
  • Today in class we discussed books. One guy told our teacher that he had written a story about an 11 year old boy living with his uncle and aunt because his parents had been killed. The boy had green eyes, black hair, spectacles and lived in a cupboard under the stairs. With the rest of us laughing this guy proceeded to tell our teacher all about the life-story of Harry Potter. What's worse? She actually thought he had made it all up and asked to read the rest of what he had written. MLIA
  • So I decided to see what my hamster would do with a ping pong ball. I thought he would roll it around, but he proceeded to put the whole thing in his mouth. Then he went in his house. MLIA
  • Today, at lunch someone asket where butter came from. Another person asked "Don't cows lay butter?" She was serious. MLIA
  • Today, I saw a cat crossing the road using a cross walk. MLIA
  • Today, I was on and I read a question that asked "My son isn't eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches that I cook for him? Is it possible he is gay? I laughed for abut two minutes straight. MLIA.
  • Today, I was on google translate and typed in 'Will Justin Beiber ever reach puberty' and translated it to vietnamese and then back to english. It read 'Justin will never reach puberty.' Easily made my day. MLIA
  • Today I wished cleverbot a Merry Christmas, in return it replied "Oh my! I need to buy a wedding dress." Who on earth told Cleverbot you need a wedding dress on Christmas. MLIA
  • Today, I downloaded the International Quidditch Association rule book. I plan on learning every rule and bringing Quidditch to my school. MLIA.
  • Today I decided to try the Google vs. Yahoo thing so i typed in "dinosaurs are." Yahoo said "Why are dinosaurs exticnt?" and Google said "dinosaurs are jesus ponies. I. Love. Google. MLIA
  • Today, I was talking to Cleverbot and we were having a duel. I used the killing curse and Cleverbot said, "*gasp* You... You used the killing curse on me... *dies*." Then I said, "Glad that's dead, now I can move on to Justin Bieber." MLIA
  • Today, I asked my older brother why he couldn't take me and my friend to go see The Hangover 2 and he said he had to take his pet dinosaur Charles on a walk. I found this to be a perfectly reasonable excuse, but I didn't think he was serious. Two minutes later I looked out my bedroom window and he had a stuffed dinasour on a leash and was walking it up and down our street. M(and his)LIA
And this is the "best" of this year:

  • Wow getting up at five o'clock in the morning really messes with me. How do I know this, I spent like 45 seconds staring at the back of my deodorant looking for the calorie count before I put it on. MLIA.

Grouchy Rabbit

It's a good website. :)

To Do:

  • Divide by zero. Escape math class through the wormhole it creates.
  • Have a conversation on Facebook with a friend. Delete all my comments. Make friend look insane.
  • Change iPod name to "Titanic." Download new songs. Be amused by the fact that the Titanic is syncing.
  • Go to Ikea. Hide in wardrobe. When someone opens wardrobe yell "FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!"
  • Change Facebook name to "No One." Like people's statuses...
  • Take mentos and freeze into ice cubes. Put the ice cubes into your friend's diet coke. After five minutes their drink will randomly explode. (Apparently this doesn't work, but it'd be cool.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Show 10

Stereo Hearts, by: Gym Class Heroes
Chocolate, by: Snow Patrol
Such Great Heights, by: Postal Service
Sway Your Head, by: We Shot The Moon
Under the Bridge, by: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Samson, by: Regina Spektor
Grapevine Fires, by: Death Cab for Cutie
I Will Follow You Into the Dark, by: Death Cab For Cutie (request)
Stolen, by: Dashboard Confessional
For Reasons Unknown, by: The Killer
Perfect Situation, by: Weezer
Take Me Out, by: Franz Ferdinand
You Owe Me An IOU, by: Hot Hot Heat
Wherever I May Roam, by: MetallicaHum Hallelujah, by: Fall Out Boy

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Junior High Memories

I did play-work once.
A couple of years ago.

Tonight I saw Beauty and the Beast at Oak Canyon.
It was pretty good.
Pitchy, a bit off at times, but I enjoyed it.
Favorite characters: Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Babette.
Yay for plays. :D

Mario and Luigi

Josh is crazy.

But kind of awesome. :)


We watched this in US History.

Sure, why not?

(A Story I wrote in 5th grade)
        One day I was home alone doing my nails and watching T.V. when a bunch of girl pirates came in and said they were going to take me back to their ship. 
        I asked, “Can I just pack a few things first?”
        They said o.k. because they knew that girls need stuff to survive.  So I went into my room and I packed all my stuff.  Surprisingly enough I fit it all in only 16 suitcases!  Then I went out with my suitcases and said, “Let’s go.”
        We went back to their ship and wow!  Their captain may have been a girl but she was tough!

        “Scrub the deck, Matey!” she barked.
        So I scrubbed the deck because I didn’t want to get in trouble with her.
        “Oh no!  I broke my fingernail,” I cried. 
        “Oh shut up!” yelled Kendal, one of the crew members.
        “I’m hungry,” I complained.
        “Be quiet or else you’ll walk the plank!” ordered Brandi, another pirate.
        So I scrubbed quietly for a while, at least until I couldn’t take it any longer.
        “I’m sooo bored.  Are we there yet?” I yelled.
        “Alright missy, you’re walkin’ the plank,” Captain Elise hollered!
        Oh no!  What had I gotten myself into? 

        So there I was on the plank walking very slowly. Walking . . . walking . . . and all of the sudden . . .
        When I came up I saw the pirates throwing my luggage off the ship.  Obviously they never wanted to be reminded of me ever again. 
        I swam over to my luggage.  Luckily I had waterproof luggage.  Everyone had laughed at me when I paid an extra twenty dollars to get it waterproofed but now it had paid off.
        I saw some land and decided to swim to it.  I only had enough strength to take one suitcase so I grabbed the one I knew I had put my cell phone in and started swimming.

        I swam towards the land and when I got there I collapsed and lay there until I recovered.  Then I got up and I looked around.  It was an island and it was beautiful.  As I looked around I saw a bunch of palm trees, a rock that looked like a skull, a treasure chest, a monkey, . . . Wait!  Go back . . . a treasure chest?  Sweet!  I opened it.  Awesome!  There were a ton of jewels!
        I took my cell phone out of my suitcase.  I went on the internet and found a website for global positioning and found out where I was.  Then I called my dad, told him my location and had him send his personal helicopter to get me.  After I hung up, I called my mom and told her I was O.K. and that I loved her.
        Just as I saw the helicopter coming, I also saw the pirates’ ship.  I guess they had realized that they had left their treasure on this island so I had to hurry.  I grabbed my suitcase and noticed that my other ones had washed ashore.  The helicopter landed and my dad jumped out.  I told him to grab the treasure chest and put it in the helicopter. 

        We both gathered up my luggage and threw everything in the helicopter.  We jumped in and took off. 
        Once we were in the air, the pirates started shooting cannon balls at us.  Luckily, none of them could hit us because we had a very good pilot.  After we escaped from the pirates, they discovered their treasure was gone!

        The pirates went home treasure-less.  And of course, I lived happily ever after because I was rich and now I had a ton of jewels and what kind of story would this be if I didn’t live very happily ever after?!


My Life Pictures

(They're all a little blurry, sorry.)
 Mr. Freckle dressed up as a Scuba Diver for Halloween.
I called him Scuba Steve. :)
 My cousins came over for a Halloween celebration on the 5th
 My cousin's daughter is so dang cute! (Her name is Presley)
 She saw the cat.
 And stared. A lot.
But she wouldn't touch it. :P
 A while back we got Steve a bunch of new stuff.
He is one spoiled fish!
 This awesome kid from the Guy's golf team danced in an assembly.
It was epic. Like Gru (from Despicable Me) :D
 And then he pulled his shirt over his head. :P
 I helped babysit my neighbor's kids.
Silly children. :P
 They created a game.
They ran from here.
 Over to the green platform in the back.
And then over to the lady (Sister Houghton)
Walked up her legs, and did a flip.
Funny! :)
I met their cat. 
Who's like mine...
 Only nicer. ;)
 We watched part of Cars 2 (a very small part)
And he (Matthew) just sat there and stared.
 And this kid (Landen) and sat by me.
 I got a free drink yesterday.
(Om nom nom!)
And hung out with my friends.
(Aaron drank his hot chocolate with a looong straw)

The end. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

These Guys Came Today...

They played at lunch in the student center.
It was kind of exciting, I like their music. :D
And then I got all their autographs...because I could.

Mind Blown


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Lotion doesn't taste very good.

Babies should wear mustaches more often.

Bacon is delicious.

I have no life.

That is all...

Sometimes I Eat My Vegetables...

Facebook Flair.
I like it. :D

Show 9

Here's the playlist for this week's show:
  • Thnks fr th Mmrs, by: Fall Out Boy
  • Edit, by: Regina Spektor
  • Taxi Cab, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Title and Registration, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Mixed Tape, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • California Girls, by: The Beach Boys
  • Penny Lane, by: The Beatles
  • Friend is a Four Letter Word, by: Cake
  • Viva la Vida, by: Coldplay
  • I Won't Say I'm in Love, from: Hercules
  • Desperado, by: The Eagles
  • You and I, by: Washed Out (Request)
  • Layla, by: Eric Clapton
  • You're My Best Friend, by: Queen
  • My Name is Jonas, by: Weezer
  • Empathy, by: Crystal Castles
  • Pictures of You, by: The Last Goodnight
  • The Greatest Man that Ever Lived, by: Weezer (Even though it wasn't played during my show, it was requested

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Foggy Windows

That's how you can tell it's cold.
And that people are breathing.
Or something's cooking on the oven.
Right now it's the potatoes. Sweet, delicious potatoes.
The windows are all steamed up, and it makes it hard to see outside.
It's winter.

Monday was Halloween.
Mr. Freckle was a scuba diver.
I called him Scuba Steve (kind of a pun to my fish).

I bought two books on Monday.
Well...I ordered them then.
They came on Friday.
Then I read them in 9 hours.
It was worth the $17 though, because they were amazing.

I took a math test on Tuesday.
I still don't know how well I did on it, but I'm hopeful.
I know I didn't get everything right, but...that's okay.

I had my first "guests" on my radio show on Wednesday.
They were actually two actual DJ's from my class who missed their show.
It was an interesting experience, quite a bit more talking.
They're pretty cool guys though.

On Friday I watched Psych in English.
It was kind of amazing.
My teacher's kind of crazy like that.
Sometimes it sucks to be there.
But it's definitely better than my old English class.

Saturday afternoon I saw Puss in Boots.
It was hilarious.
Anyone who has a cat would totally see the connections.
Some good quotes:
"Cat people are crazy." -Puss
Softpaws: You hit me in the head with a guitar!?
Puss: You are a woman?!
"You do the litter box at me?!?" -Puss
Jill: Is it true a cat always lands on its feet?
Puss: No! That is just a rumour, spread by dogs!
"You have made the cat angry. You do not want to make the cat angry!" -Puss
Also...this guy who was sitting next to me in the theater talked to me randomly.
He asked me about my Nook.
And then if I was good at math, because I was playing Sudoku.
And afterwards...if we had a cat.
It was quite odd.

That evening we had our Halloween celebration with my aunt and uncle and cousins.
It was quite excellent.
My cousin's daughter is so dang cute!
She has the biggest eyes that just stare into your soul.
And she's hilarious. :)
We played What-If, and she tried to steal our papers.
She even put one in her mouth.
It was a good night.

Anyway, that's the good stuff in my life. :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Show 8

Sitting here with Jared and Ryan.
They missed their show, so they're on mine today.
Anyway, here's the playlist:
  • Giving Up the Gun, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Wake Up, by: Arcade Fire
  • Grapevine Fires, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Boss of Me, by: They Might Be Giants
  • On the Radio, by: Regina Spektor
  • Call It What You Want, by: Foster the People
  • The Worst Day Ever, by: Simple Plan
  • Take on Me, by: A-Ha (Jared's song)
  • Into the Ocean, by: Blue October
  • Stereo Hearts, by: Gym Class Heros (Ryan's song)
  • Tequila Sunrise, by: The Eagles
  • Superman, by: Goldfinger
  • La La Lie, by: Jack's Mannequin

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Math Test

Blah. I just took one. It was less than excellent.
I think I did okay.
But you never can tell.
You can only hope.
Integrals are lame though. D:

That is all.