Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grouchy Rabbit

It's a good website. :)

To Do:

  • Divide by zero. Escape math class through the wormhole it creates.
  • Have a conversation on Facebook with a friend. Delete all my comments. Make friend look insane.
  • Change iPod name to "Titanic." Download new songs. Be amused by the fact that the Titanic is syncing.
  • Go to Ikea. Hide in wardrobe. When someone opens wardrobe yell "FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!"
  • Change Facebook name to "No One." Like people's statuses...
  • Take mentos and freeze into ice cubes. Put the ice cubes into your friend's diet coke. After five minutes their drink will randomly explode. (Apparently this doesn't work, but it'd be cool.)


  1. these are flippin hilarious. why didn't i know about your blog sooner?

  2. I dunno, but apparently some Russians did...according to the stats I've looked at. Confusing...
