Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sure, why not?

(A Story I wrote in 5th grade)
        One day I was home alone doing my nails and watching T.V. when a bunch of girl pirates came in and said they were going to take me back to their ship. 
        I asked, “Can I just pack a few things first?”
        They said o.k. because they knew that girls need stuff to survive.  So I went into my room and I packed all my stuff.  Surprisingly enough I fit it all in only 16 suitcases!  Then I went out with my suitcases and said, “Let’s go.”
        We went back to their ship and wow!  Their captain may have been a girl but she was tough!

        “Scrub the deck, Matey!” she barked.
        So I scrubbed the deck because I didn’t want to get in trouble with her.
        “Oh no!  I broke my fingernail,” I cried. 
        “Oh shut up!” yelled Kendal, one of the crew members.
        “I’m hungry,” I complained.
        “Be quiet or else you’ll walk the plank!” ordered Brandi, another pirate.
        So I scrubbed quietly for a while, at least until I couldn’t take it any longer.
        “I’m sooo bored.  Are we there yet?” I yelled.
        “Alright missy, you’re walkin’ the plank,” Captain Elise hollered!
        Oh no!  What had I gotten myself into? 

        So there I was on the plank walking very slowly. Walking . . . walking . . . and all of the sudden . . .
        When I came up I saw the pirates throwing my luggage off the ship.  Obviously they never wanted to be reminded of me ever again. 
        I swam over to my luggage.  Luckily I had waterproof luggage.  Everyone had laughed at me when I paid an extra twenty dollars to get it waterproofed but now it had paid off.
        I saw some land and decided to swim to it.  I only had enough strength to take one suitcase so I grabbed the one I knew I had put my cell phone in and started swimming.

        I swam towards the land and when I got there I collapsed and lay there until I recovered.  Then I got up and I looked around.  It was an island and it was beautiful.  As I looked around I saw a bunch of palm trees, a rock that looked like a skull, a treasure chest, a monkey, . . . Wait!  Go back . . . a treasure chest?  Sweet!  I opened it.  Awesome!  There were a ton of jewels!
        I took my cell phone out of my suitcase.  I went on the internet and found a website for global positioning and found out where I was.  Then I called my dad, told him my location and had him send his personal helicopter to get me.  After I hung up, I called my mom and told her I was O.K. and that I loved her.
        Just as I saw the helicopter coming, I also saw the pirates’ ship.  I guess they had realized that they had left their treasure on this island so I had to hurry.  I grabbed my suitcase and noticed that my other ones had washed ashore.  The helicopter landed and my dad jumped out.  I told him to grab the treasure chest and put it in the helicopter. 

        We both gathered up my luggage and threw everything in the helicopter.  We jumped in and took off. 
        Once we were in the air, the pirates started shooting cannon balls at us.  Luckily, none of them could hit us because we had a very good pilot.  After we escaped from the pirates, they discovered their treasure was gone!

        The pirates went home treasure-less.  And of course, I lived happily ever after because I was rich and now I had a ton of jewels and what kind of story would this be if I didn’t live very happily ever after?!


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