Sunday, November 6, 2011

Foggy Windows

That's how you can tell it's cold.
And that people are breathing.
Or something's cooking on the oven.
Right now it's the potatoes. Sweet, delicious potatoes.
The windows are all steamed up, and it makes it hard to see outside.
It's winter.

Monday was Halloween.
Mr. Freckle was a scuba diver.
I called him Scuba Steve (kind of a pun to my fish).

I bought two books on Monday.
Well...I ordered them then.
They came on Friday.
Then I read them in 9 hours.
It was worth the $17 though, because they were amazing.

I took a math test on Tuesday.
I still don't know how well I did on it, but I'm hopeful.
I know I didn't get everything right, but...that's okay.

I had my first "guests" on my radio show on Wednesday.
They were actually two actual DJ's from my class who missed their show.
It was an interesting experience, quite a bit more talking.
They're pretty cool guys though.

On Friday I watched Psych in English.
It was kind of amazing.
My teacher's kind of crazy like that.
Sometimes it sucks to be there.
But it's definitely better than my old English class.

Saturday afternoon I saw Puss in Boots.
It was hilarious.
Anyone who has a cat would totally see the connections.
Some good quotes:
"Cat people are crazy." -Puss
Softpaws: You hit me in the head with a guitar!?
Puss: You are a woman?!
"You do the litter box at me?!?" -Puss
Jill: Is it true a cat always lands on its feet?
Puss: No! That is just a rumour, spread by dogs!
"You have made the cat angry. You do not want to make the cat angry!" -Puss
Also...this guy who was sitting next to me in the theater talked to me randomly.
He asked me about my Nook.
And then if I was good at math, because I was playing Sudoku.
And afterwards...if we had a cat.
It was quite odd.

That evening we had our Halloween celebration with my aunt and uncle and cousins.
It was quite excellent.
My cousin's daughter is so dang cute!
She has the biggest eyes that just stare into your soul.
And she's hilarious. :)
We played What-If, and she tried to steal our papers.
She even put one in her mouth.
It was a good night.

Anyway, that's the good stuff in my life. :)

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