Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Gifts

I got some pretty fantastic gifts this Christmas :)

From my brother Doug:
A legit Ukranian tie. :)

From my sister Katelyn:
Nice, soft, white slippers.

From Santa:
Two Books,
 Gummy Bears,
and Roller Blades. :)
Not to mention the entire contents of my stocking:
Corn Nuts, candy, mini-gel pens, a little container, an orange, gum, a hair clip, and a loofa+shower whatever stuff. :P

And from my parents:
A cat magnet-picture thing,
A coolio newsie-type hat and a funky scarf,
Guess what this is?
$50 Book money. Oh yeath. :)

And for the whole family...
All five seasons of Psych.
Huzzah. :D
My little sister actually cried tears of joy. For real.

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