Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Odd Experience...

So...I went to my cousin's wedding on Saturday.
It was...interesting.

When I first got there, I had fun following my cousin's baby around.
Her name is Presley, and she's adorable. :)
 She didn't really like being held back.
 She was always running around.
 She discovered the stairs...
 A little after 6, the ceremony began.
 My cousins (from Las Vegas) were there.
 And Lexie
 The Bishop who married them was weird.
He told a really long, weird story.
And then he took out an iPad to read the things to them.
And then he paused and the bride said "I do" too soon.
And finally, when they kissed, he watched awkwardly and said "That was pretty."
Awkward Bishop. :P
 After the ceremony, we had the reception.
I was on drink duty, but I also played with Presley some more.
She was deeply fascinated by the drinking fountain.
 And at about 9, she got really tired.
So she fell asleep in my cousin (her aunt)'s arms.
It was a pretty crazy evening. :D

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