Friday, December 2, 2011

Once Upon A Time...I Wrote a Story on Ricks' Computer lunch, I stole Rick's computer.
And on 9 different days, I wrote this story.
It's full of inside jokes.
And it's kind of amazing. :)

Once upon a time there was a group of friends.
Then they were invaded by scary creatures, named Sashas.
They were all terrified of these Sashas, so they ran away.
They came upon a beautiful lady on a unicorn.
She was accompanied by a boy named Alec, and pursued by a Merkley.
Then she turned into a scary Drashnock and nommed his face.
So they went to the Drashnock's house and told her mother.
Her mother scolded her and gave away her puppy.
And they all lived happily ever after, the end. :)

Or did they…?
Once upon another time the Sashas attacked again.
They were invading these friends space mercilessly.
Fortunately, the friends had a cloaking device and they hid from the Sashas.
Then the Sashas were sucked into a black hole where their piercing screams would never be heard again. 
The end. 

Or is it…?

Franklin and Cassie's EPIC STORY ABOUT REALLY EPIC STUFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By this time the Sashas were quite upset about their inability to invade the friends' space.
The friends decided it was time to elect a brilliant leadership duo.
They decided that Franklin and Cassie would be a super amazing option.
So they held an election, and despite their running opponents (Merkley and Josh), they won!
"Huzzah!!" the friends cried.
Cassie and Franklin were merciless on the attack of the Sashas.
And they won.
The end. :)


Where we last left off, Merkley and Josh had just suffered a crushing defeat in the election of 2012.
Their only condolence was the law firm the duo formed.
They called it "Sparkly Markley (and Associates)."
They had originally intended to call the firm "Sparky Merkley (and Associates)."
However, when the name was written down, the handwriting was so illegible that it was changed to "Sparkly Markley" when written on the doors.
So they decided to just leave it.
And that is how Merkley and Josh's law firm became known as "Sparkly Markley (and Associates)."

One day, it was the magnificent ruler Franklin's birthday.
She was serenaded throughout the day by every young man in the friends' kingdom.
The friends were so happy that they threw a gigantic party for their dear ruler.
There were crepes, and waffles, and cookies, and pineapple, and chips, and salsa,
…and cheese, and gummy bears, and all manners of deliciousness.
And they all hailed Franklin!! The end. :D For now…

The friends disbanded their meetings for the Thanksgiving season.
Unfortunately, during this time, the Sashas were plotting something dastardly.
They teamed up with the Drashnock to nom all the friends faces.
With the friends separated, they couldn't fight the Sashas.
Merkley was the first to be captured, followed by Josh.
The rest of the friends knew they must band together to prevent any more imprisonment.
To be continued...

Where we last left off, the friends were being terrorized by the Sashas.
With Josh and Merkley captured, Sparkly Markley (and Associates) wasn't doing so well.
Fortunately, the Great Taryn stepped up to save the day.
Through her expertise planning and execution, she saved the firm from going under.
Meanwhile, the rest of the friends were planning their next move to combat the Sashas.
The contents of this meeting shall soon be disclosed…

In the meeting of the friends:
Cassie: Friends, we are gathered here today to discuss the distraction of our most heinous enemies--the Sashas.
Franklin: So…what should we do?
Oliphant: I have a proposal!
Cassie: Oliphant, nobody cares what you think!
Drashnock: I think we should nom their faces.
Franklin: Drashnock, what are you doing here?!
Drashnock: The Sashas are boring, I came to nom.
Cassie: Okay….
Ricks: I have an idea.
Franklin: Go on.
Ricks: Let's confuse them.
Cassie: What do you mean?
Ricks: Well, it's a simple matter of coming up with a math conundrum confusing enough to stop them in their tracks. We all know math is their weakness.
Taryn: That's brilliant, Ricks!
Franklin: Now…what is a good math conundrum?
Cassie: I think I may have one…
Taryn: Yes?
Cassie: e^iπ 
Ricks: What?
Cassie: It equals -1.
All: Ingenius! Huzzah! Let's go defeat the Sashas.
(Battle scene coming soon.)

The battle arrived and the friends were prepared.
They confronted the Sashas in their most dastardly evil lair. 
The Sashas tried to fight, but they were no match for the friends' excellent math equation.
As soon as the friends' whipped out their secret equation weapon, the Sashas went into a coma of confusion, never to return to their devious ways.
Thus was all of the friends' land returned to normal. 
Sparkly Markley (and Associates) thrived once again (and delivered victory crepes to all the friends').
Cassie and Franklin continued their rule in justness and were beloved by all.
And…they lived happily ever after…for the duration of their high school years. 


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