Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows

Holy crap.
That was intense.

The best parts:
  • Drunk Watson
  • When Sherlock pushed Mary off the train
  • Sherlock's Shetland Pony he rides
  • The picture in Moriarty's red book (Be careful what you fish for)
  • And, of course, the ending.
So intense.

Of course there were also many wonderful lines, such as:

"I forgot the rest...Oh, there it is..." -Sherlock

"One million pounds! Oh, and fire." -Sherlock

"Your hedge needs trimming." -Watson

(Creepily) "Don't you have a goat to be worming?" -Sherlock

"Oh, embrace me! Watson's getting married." -Sherlock

Watson: You're drinking embalming fluid.
Holmes: Care for a drop?

Watson: He got up like a monkey from pot. I may need some of that in a few hours.
Sherlock: Consider it a wedding gift.

"It's so overt it's covert." -Sherlock

"Two nations, who will go unnamed, but I can tell you that they speak French...and German." -Mycroft

"I'm so glad you invited your brother." -Watson

"Don't be a ponce, Watson." -Sherlock

"You're right, he did smell." -Gypsy

"Why do you have a gun stuffed down your trousers?" -Mary

"I know it's not one of my best disguises." -Sherlock

"That was no accident. It was by design." -Sherlock (pushing Mary off the train)

"Lie down with me, Watson." -Sherlock

Watson: What are we doing down here?
Holmes: We are waiting, I am smoking.

"I said make it count! How many windows must I provide." -Sherlock

"This is so deliciously complicated." -Sherlock

"Whatever you do, don't let the gypsies make you drink" (drinks) "Don't let them make you dance, it will be the death of you!" -Sherlock

Watson: It's not that he doesn't ride, it's that...How did you put it, Holmes?
Holmes: They're dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle.

Watson: Holmes, how did you know I'd find you?
Holmes: You didn't find me, you collapsed a building on me.

"Who's been dancing on my chest!?" -Sherlock
(By the way: Totally saw the use of the wedding gift coming :D)

"If we can find him and stop him, we may be able to save his life, not to mention prevent the collapse of western society. No pressure." -Sherlock

"I thought you'd never ask." -Watson (and they dance! :D)

Holmes: By the way, who taught you how to dance?
Watson: You did.
Holmes: I did a marvelous job, didn't I?

"Conclusion: inevitable. Unless..." -Sherlock


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