Sunday, August 12, 2012


This is my 500th post.
How exciting is that? :D

Did you know that my very first post was entitled Harry Potter?
Pretty exciting, huh?
Not really actually, it was a pretty random post, with nothing really worth putting on the internet.
But still, that's how this all got started.

Did you know that when I started Blogging, I kind of hoped I would have many followers.
But...then I realized that most people I know don't care, or don't do stuff like this.
So then I started to pretend that nobody would ever read it.
But some people do, I guess.

Did you know that having a real follower (or two) makes me really happy.
I like the number that tells me that I have four.
(Even if one is a pair of freckles on my arm that I created an internet life for and one is something called Scholar Time).

It's a pretty big number.

500 is...
  • 500 Days of Summer, a trippy, but fun movie.
  • The name of a card game. I think I've played it...but I'm not positive.
  • The number of middle names a girl has in a book that I own but have never read. Supposedly.
  • Approximately one and three hundred sixty-nine thousand eight hundred sixty-three millionths of a year. Or something like that.
  • Half of the thousand miles that The Proclaimers are going to walk to fall down at your door.
  • Quite possibly a legitimate sum of money on a single dollar bill.

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