Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School...And All That Jazz

Today, as you probably well know, was the first day of school.
I started off the day in a very crowded Statistics classroom.
It was pretty amazing though. There are so many great people in that class! :D
Anyway, I ended up with homework...
...Which I finished in Physics, my next class.
That class will be...interesting. Probably not too difficult, but kind of lame.
I don't really know anyone in there, but hopefully I'll survive.
From that class, I got a little bit of homework (although it was easy)...
...Which I finished at the beginning of AP English.
That will probably be my most difficult class.
I also got homework in that class (as well as "All By Myself" stuck in my head).
That work I finished at home.
I finished off the day in Yearbook. That class seems like it'll be fun.
It'll be work, but it will be worth it.
And for that class, I have a writing assignment.

So...I got assigned homework in all four of my classes.
I only have the Yearbook homework left, so I should do that.
Tomorrow I'll have AP Biology, Seminary, Radio 3, and Psychology.
It'll be slightly easier than today, but less friend-full.
I have Psychology with Matt Ricks, and I think Rachel Eldredge is in my Bio class.
But other than that...I might be lonely.
I'll survive though.

So wish me luck, with my senior year.
I certainly wish you luck with your (school year).

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