Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Unfair Godmother

It's a book, an amazing book.
Basically, the godmother fails at her job of godmotherly-ness, and the girl and the guy (who didn't really like each other very much before all the crazy godmother-interferred stuff happened) end up sent back in time and can't go back until the girl's "wish" is fulfilled. So, it's pretty dang entertaining. :)
This is one of my favorite quotes from it:
(An explanation: there's a baby, because the fairy godmother brought it there, they're pretending it's theirs, because it would be hard to explain the truth.)

Tansy: He likes you.
Hudson: That's because I fed him. Babies are like stray cats that way.
Tansy: Babies are not like stray cats.

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