Monday, October 31, 2011

Signs That Things Aren't Going Well

I just discovered this website: Grouchy Rabbit.
It's quite, here are some good ones:

- Your twin forgets your birthday.
- You just used the phrase "i'll yahoo it."
-Your mother and father tell you that you were adopted... last week by another family.
-Your mother tells you to take your twin brother out so they can decorate for his surprise party
-You just checked "white" on a scholarship application.
-You have the body of a god. It's Buddha.
-You are an electrician. You live in an Amish community.
-You're on a hike to the top of a mountain with your dad. Your dad's name is Abraham.
-A monster is chasing you. You are wearing high heels. You are a man.
-You commented "FIRST!" You have the second comment.
-You tell people you have friends, but forget to mention you mean you have all ten seasons.
-There is a 3D movie about Justin Bieber.
-The Scar on your forehead is burning.
-You're in Hufflepuff.
-You step out into the sun and you begin to sparkle
-Your mom won't accept your friend request.
-Your BMI is higher than your IQ, but you don't know what either of those mean.
-You just discovered that there's no candy in the van...
- The rum is gone.
-You are Rebecca Black's English teacher.
-You lost your voice, you can't walk, you don't know how to use a fork, and a fat octopus attempts to drown your true love.

That is all...for now.

There Are Many Things In My Life...

On Friday I had a puppy-parrot
 It was epic. :)
 Franklin carved an emo pumpkin, free-hand.
 On Saturday I went to the (golf) driving range.
I just might...join the girls' team. :)
 Blurry picture, but this for reals made me LOL. :P
The sign said "Go Ceilings!"
Because Kaleb was a ceiling fan. :D
And  this kid Max was a facebook page. That was pretty dang cool. :)
^ And this is what we (me and Merkley) do during a BC Calculus review. ^
Math Words of Wisdom:
  1. When he is at a BC Calculus review, Merkley feels warm and fuzzy inside.
  2. "Burn the 2!" (Merkley)
  3. Merkley is a nerd.
  4. "And some of you have something different from this that's completely wrong." (Mr. Palmer)
  5. But it ought to be switched. (Merkley)
  6. It takes Cassie six pencils to do her Calculus.
  7. Marissa's true love is a calculator. (Brennan Approves)
Yeah...we're nerds. It's fun. Deal with it. ;)

 This is funny:

Oh, and 'Amen' to this. :) it.

And this is cool. :D

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Something Borrowed.
I was really excited to see it, it looked good.
It had John Krasinski, and Ginnifer Goodwin (from He's Just Not That Into You) in it.
But I was majorly disappointed.
She picked the wrong guy.
I know we were all hoping she'd go with Ethan (Krasinski)
But no, she's stupid.
So...that was a waste of my time.
The only good scene was this, but even that was kind of sad.
Because he's amazing, and she totally disses him.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life...On the Weekends

Yesterday we had a party in radio.
There was lots of desserty foods. Yum :)

I went to a pumpkin carving party, sans pumpkin.
It was pretty fun. :D
We watched Captain America,
And I met a kid who looks like Justin Bieber.
That was weird.

Today I went to the driving range (golf)
It was pretty fun, but made my hand sore.
I did fairly well.
I like hitting the balls far. :D

Then tonight I went to a party at my friend Kenna's house.
She moved after 8th grade, and I hadn't seen her since last year.
It was kind of fun...kind of loud.
It was a dance party.

Anyway...that's life on the weekends.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Gavin Moon is engaged.

Radio Show 7

My Playlist:
  • No Sunlight, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Taxi Cab, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Bruised, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • Ocean Avenue, by: Yellowcard
  • This River is Wild, by: The Killers
  • Pork and Beans, by: Weezer
  • To Have a Home, by: A Very Potter Sequel
  • I Want to Hold Your Hand, by: The Beatles
  • Perfect, by: Simple Plan
  • Desperado, by: The Eagles
  • I Miss You, by: Blink 182
  • Hero/Heroine, by: Boys Like Girls
  • Never There, by: Cake
  • Good Times Roll, by: The Cars
  • Over My Head, by: The Fray
  • Jump, by: Van Halen

Why Can't You Come Sooner?

In the future, Les Miserables, the movie with Hugh Jackman is coming.
I can't wait.

If only I had money...

Lots of money.
And then I'd get this. :D
Oh, you are gorgeous.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm crazy...

Yeah...I saw this kid I knew way four years ago.
At my band concert today.
And...I had the urge to say hi, and call him by name.
But that would be creepy...right?
Well...I drove by him in the parking lot
And...yeah, I called out to him.
I'm creepy, and weird. So what?
It was so much fun! :)
And it made me giddy afterwards!!!

John Krasinski

Wow. Haha, Kylie you are amazing.
And fascinating.
That commercial is epic sauce.
Thank you. :)
(Wondering what this has to do with John Krasinski? Click on the link)

Happy Chocolate Cake Day Y'all!

Mine didn't really look like this...
But it was pretty delicious.
And I got to deliver it to some friends.
Om nom nom cake.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yeah...That's Great :)

This Facebook page has epic sauce pictures.
Maybe I shall post some here.
But not today.
I have no time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Calm Down Peaches, Come Back to Bed"

Oh dear.
Psych, you get crazier and crazier all the time. :)

"If nobody's freaking out, I'm going to. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Look at my car!" -Gus

"Detective, why are you wearing sunglasses in an autopsy?" -Chief Vick

"I was just going to...lend my presence for the jury." -Lassiter

"Lassie, I need you to look inwards. Take a swim in Lake You." -Shawn

"Imagine you weren't just a bland, gangly, average human. That you could wink at someone, and light up their world! That you could make a child think that you have given them an ice cream cone, without giving them the cone! And then watch them skip off into a beautiful meadow licking nothing but air. Imagine that!" -Shawn

"I don't care if we did kill this guy! I'm just glad to be a part of it." -Woody, the Coroner

Woody: There's only one thing we can do at this point. We all have to pee into a cup.
Lassiter: That is an excellent idea, I couldn't agree more. There's obviously only one reason why none of us can remember what happened last night. We were drugged.
Woody: That is also a possibility.

"Firstly, I didn't know Peyote stayed in your system that many years..." -Woody

"I know where we went last night after the bar and, Woody, you don't have a cocaine problem." -Shawn

"And then the angry one stole my doughnut hat." -Doughnut Worker

"You owe me $31 because you licked the sugar off all the powdered doughnuts. Like a sicko." -Worker

"Shawn. I'm not wearing any pants." -Henry Spencer

"You owe me $480. That is not a floatation device." -Hotel Guy

That was good stuff. :D

Footloose, Testing, and Break...

I went and saw this movie on Thursday.
It was pretty exciting.
Yay, Willard, and Rusty.
Ariel, get over yourself.
The end.

Today I took the ACT.
I survived.
I think I did fairly well.
So yay. :D 

Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel...

Holy crap. This is hilarious.
"I already have the fish. I do not need to shoot them, they are already here."
"You know, that does not make sense?"
"That is like, I have some cake, but no, I do not eat the cake. I put the cake in a barrel. And I shoot it, and then I eat it...Those are two steps addition, that you do not need. You already have a cake."

Oh dear. :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Radio Show 6

Wahoo! Here I am, doing my show, right before fall break.
Yipee. :P
Here's my playlist:
  • The Cave, by: Mumford & Sons
  • La La Lie, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • My Girls, by: Animal Collective (Request)
  • Secret Crowds, by: Angels & Airwaves (Request)
  • I Will Follow You Into the Dark, by: Death Cab for Cutie (Request)
  • Holiday, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Sleeping Lessons, by: The Shins (Request)
  • Heaven Forbid, by: The Fray
  • No Sunlight, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Imagine, by: John Lennon
  • The Middle, by: Jimmy Eat World
  • Paradise City, by: Guns N Roses
  • Money Talks, by: AC/DC
  • Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year, by: Fall Out Boy
  • Intermission, by: Panic! At the Disco
  • Mr. Brightside, by: The Killers
  • The Seven Deadly Sins, by: Flogging Molly
  • Farewell and Goodnight, by: Smashing Pumpkins
The End. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

So Soon

This upcoming week is Fall Break.
Which means I might actually get some stuff done.
I dunno, maybe.
I mean, stuff other than school stuff.
I think I'll clean my room.
And I'll finally have a chance to hang out with Beth again. :)
I do have to take the ACT next Saturday... :C
I guess it's okay.
I can't wait.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Oh. My. Gosh.

That was amazing.
He beat a lie detector.
Holy crap.


Soo....I couldn't watch Psych when it came out.
Because the TV lied to me.
But now I did find it online.
Which means that I can watch it.
It's pretty exciting so far. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Radio Show #5 Playlist

Embarking on a journey, one DJ seeks an excellent playlist for her show today.
Here's what she came up with:

  • Someday You Will Be Loved, by: Death Cab For Cutie
  • Gifts and Curses, by: Yellowcard (a request)
  • Dark Blue, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • Thinking of You All Day, by: Shake Your Peace!
  • Horchata, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Short Skirt, Long Jacket, by: Cake
  • The Funeral, by: Band of Horses
  • Vindicated, by: Dashboard Confessional
  • This River is Wild, by: The Killers
  • Houdini, by: Foster the People
  • Gettin' Jiggy With It, by: Will Smith
  • The Dog Days Are Over, by: Florence and the Machine
  • If I Had a Million Dollars, by: Barenaked Ladies
  • Sugar, We're Goin' Down, by: Fall Out Boy
  • Which To Bury, Us or The Hatchet, by: Relient 
  • Good Day, by: Tally Hall

Psych. Tonight.

I'm so dang excited!!
I'm actually volunteering to go to the gym,
just so I can see the Psych season premiere.
Shawn's a stud!! :D

Monday, October 10, 2011

What Am I?

Well...after reading both of these posts:
I'm not quite sure what I am.
Or at least...which side I'm further on.
I can tell you that these statements definitely apply to me:
  • an introvert is content to just listen. if she's just sitting there being quiet, she isn't sad or feeling left out. really. 
  • extroverts like making comments in class. in fact, they get so excited to make a comment that their thoughts come out scattered and it doesn't really matter what they say because they SAID something.
  • an introvert likes to sit in an edge seat/against a wall in a classroom, a theatre, etc. so fewer people can sit by her.
  • extroverts love giving presentations in class because, for a small amount of time, all the attention is on THEM. (kind of)
  • an introvert doesn't mind coming home to an empty apartment. there is a strange sense of relief, actually.
So I don't know...maybe slightly more of an introvert when it matters (performing, presenting), but an extrovert when it comes to being noticed in a crowd. Hmmmm...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yay for Book Blogs!

"This is Zazzles..."

Haha, Sheldon.
Yeah... :)

this is so much better now...

I watched this music video...this last summer.
Because Jessie Marquis posted it to her Blog.
I thought it was kind of weird.
But now...I think it's pretty great. :)
And I played the song on my radio show.
Because I could.
I like tennis music videos.
Like this one:
It's pretty great. :D

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Cold Outside

And inside.
Seriously, it was 65 degrees inside when I got home from school.
Now it's like 73 though, so that's good.
I wish...that there was a point in the year when the weather was actually nice.
It's always really hot...or really cold.
That's a bummer.
And it rained today.
And snowed.
Fail. :C

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Radio Show #4

I didn't forget! Yay. :)
I'm actually there right now, so that's fun.

My Playlist for today:

  • Bixby Canyon Bridge, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Sleeping in, by: Postal Service
  • Feels Like Rain, by: Motion City Soundtrack
  • Going the Distance, by: Cake
  • Lost! by: Coldplay
  • Believe Me Natalie, by: The Killers
  • Where is My Mind? by: The Pixies
  • Fidelity, by: Regina Spektor
  • Mrs. Robinson, by: Simon & Garfunkel
  • Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet? by: Relient K (Request)
  • Giving Up the Gun, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Into the Airwaves, by: Jack's Mannequin (Request)
  • Perfect Situation, by: Weezer
  • Pizza Day, by: The Aqua Bats
  • The Woodlands National Anthem, by: Arcade Fire
  • Goodbye Tonight, by: Lost Prophets
Seriously...I swear listeners always choose the worst time to call in and request a song.
Either that, or I just fail. :P
It's always right as a song is ending that I either need to play the next song...
Or, more frequently, when I should really be talking, and telling them what the songs have been.
But at least the songs they want are in our iTunes. :D

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Oh pie, you are so delicious.
Om nom nom.

"I'm pointing my wand as hard as I can!"

I wholeheartedly agree.

"Obviously I had a backup plan. I've been drinking Honey-Badger Anti-Venom ever since I started hanging around that ridiculous snake." -Snape

Snape: "Like, a really long story. Like so long if we wrote it all down it would take at least 7 books."
Dumbledore: "Or 8 movies."

This would be amazing. :D


She's quite wise. ;)
I enjoy reading her thoughts.
Even if she doesn't capitalize. :P
Anyway...this was fun.
Yay for random thoughts!

"You take your hair and, for a few seconds of insanity, contemplate slicing it right off, Mulan-style."


Life is...

And yet not.
I don't really have a bunch of homework.
I have TV I want to watch.
And books I want to read.
And money I want to earn.
So...many things that don't have to do with school.

I watched How I Met Your Mother yesterday.
And House.
Today I watched Glee.
And New Girl.
And Unforgettable.
Tomorrow I shall watch...

Yay TV. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Weekend

Parents leave.
Read book.
Drive to Walmart.
Be there for 1 hour.
Watch TV.
Watch two movies.
Wake up for conference watching (sans parents).
Read book.
Neglect cleaning room.
Go buy Wendy's fries.
Get popsicles and cookies from Macey's.
More TV.
Go back to Walmart to return Redbox movies.
See double rainbow.
Await parents arrival home.
Stay up until 2 a.m. watching Psych,
3 a.m. finishing my book,
and 4 a.m. reading old journal entries
(oh dear).
And sleep.
Wake up, sleep, clean room, read, music, and relaxation.
Eat food.

Yay. :)