Monday, October 31, 2011

Signs That Things Aren't Going Well

I just discovered this website: Grouchy Rabbit.
It's quite, here are some good ones:

- Your twin forgets your birthday.
- You just used the phrase "i'll yahoo it."
-Your mother and father tell you that you were adopted... last week by another family.
-Your mother tells you to take your twin brother out so they can decorate for his surprise party
-You just checked "white" on a scholarship application.
-You have the body of a god. It's Buddha.
-You are an electrician. You live in an Amish community.
-You're on a hike to the top of a mountain with your dad. Your dad's name is Abraham.
-A monster is chasing you. You are wearing high heels. You are a man.
-You commented "FIRST!" You have the second comment.
-You tell people you have friends, but forget to mention you mean you have all ten seasons.
-There is a 3D movie about Justin Bieber.
-The Scar on your forehead is burning.
-You're in Hufflepuff.
-You step out into the sun and you begin to sparkle
-Your mom won't accept your friend request.
-Your BMI is higher than your IQ, but you don't know what either of those mean.
-You just discovered that there's no candy in the van...
- The rum is gone.
-You are Rebecca Black's English teacher.
-You lost your voice, you can't walk, you don't know how to use a fork, and a fat octopus attempts to drown your true love.

That is all...for now.

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