Monday, October 10, 2011

What Am I?

Well...after reading both of these posts:
I'm not quite sure what I am.
Or at least...which side I'm further on.
I can tell you that these statements definitely apply to me:
  • an introvert is content to just listen. if she's just sitting there being quiet, she isn't sad or feeling left out. really. 
  • extroverts like making comments in class. in fact, they get so excited to make a comment that their thoughts come out scattered and it doesn't really matter what they say because they SAID something.
  • an introvert likes to sit in an edge seat/against a wall in a classroom, a theatre, etc. so fewer people can sit by her.
  • extroverts love giving presentations in class because, for a small amount of time, all the attention is on THEM. (kind of)
  • an introvert doesn't mind coming home to an empty apartment. there is a strange sense of relief, actually.
So I don't know...maybe slightly more of an introvert when it matters (performing, presenting), but an extrovert when it comes to being noticed in a crowd. Hmmmm...

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