Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some Funny Things

Funny Thing #1
These are the doors between the lunchroom and the student center.
They're kind of an enigma.
You never know if they're going to be locked or unlocked.
Sometimes the window part doesn't have glass.
In any case, you can usually do some excellent people watching through them.

Like yesterday,
My friends and I watched as student after student tried to walk through the doors.
They were locked.
Some kids would see someone ahead of them trying--and failing--and turn around.
Others...obviously weren't paying attention.
Some tried to push it open with the weight of their body. Then, failing, they tried to look cool as they walked away.
A few were wise and gave up after a quick nudge with a foot.
It was deeply entertaining.

Funny Thing #2
Today I took my Finance Lit final.
That means I'm officially done with that nonsense.
Huzzah! :D
That (above) was one of the questions though, and it made me happy. ^

Funny Thing #3
Tee hee, playing dead!!

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