Friday, February 24, 2012

Wow...It's Been A While...

...Since I did a real Blog post.
That's abnormal for me.

Here's a picture that made me laugh so hard I almost coughed to death
(In a good way)
Haha, from Attack of the Cute. I love that place.

Here are some more pictures from my life:

 Silly Cat ripped apart her toy
Stuck her head in the couch
And in the cupboard (After which she jumped inside)
I ate that ^ for breakfast on Monday
Yum :)
Yay, I get credit. Even a whole sign on my locker :P
Smiley face in the ranch. :)

And that was my week...basically.
There were a few other things.
Mostly homework, and reading. Anyway, the end.

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